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Instagram Frames

These social media frames come in either small or large sizes to suit your function.

Small = 580x780mm with a 480x480mm cutout window
Large = 780x1100mm with a 680x680mm cutout window

These frames are printed on 10mm thick lightweight foam board to make them easy to pass around at social events. They are also finished with a matt laminate to help reduce any camera flashback.

Getting the artwork correct goes a long way to making sure your social media frame looks fantastic. So If you are creating your own artwork please review requirements here. Artwork templates are avaiable here.

If you would like UniPrint to create the artwork for you, please email [email protected] with your requirements and one of our helpful staff will get back to you.

580x780mm with
a 480x480mm window
780x1100mm with
a 680x680mm window