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Our standard A Frame is 600 x 900mm. Suitable for both internal and external use - it is made with a 20mm Steel Powdercoated Black Frame, includes a handle and has sturdy hinges. For long term external use we recommend laminating the prints for improved protection from the sun and weather.

You can order:
• The A Frame unit by itself
• The A Frame unit with a print on both sides (short term promotional or long term laminated)
• Or replacement prints for existing units.
Need an A Frame for a short term event? We have hire units available which come with a promotional grade print. Snap Frames are also available - but we recommend these for internal use only.

Getting the artwork correct goes a long way to making sure your A Frame looks fantastic. So If you are creating your own artwork please review requirements here.

Please note: For hire items, the A Frame comes packaged in a cardboard box. This needs to be returned with the A Frame inside otherwise a fee will be incurred.


A Frame 600 x 900 Purchase
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A Frame 600 x 900 HIRE
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A1 Snap Frames Purchase
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